What matters to me Miles Roland

Family is the thing that matters to me the most.

My favorite thing to do with my family is just to be around them when we are outside. We play outside and have the best time.

Another fun thing I do with my family is go to the beach. Once or twice a year we go down to Florida and go to beach every day and have the best time with our family.

We also go as a family to a football game once a year. It's not just the day of the game we have fun we all three days we are there. But the day of the game is the funnest because the tailgate and the game of course.

This heart is showing my love for my family. I will love my family forever and will never stop.


Created with images by White77 - "family holiday people" • Olin Gilbert - "Pensacola Beach, Florida" • wka - "Beach" • compujeramey - "Lambeau Field" • hile - "Heart"

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