A contingent of Highland families and teachers took their place in the traditional Holiday Parade in Old Town Warrenton on Friday. The group was escorted by a Highland bus decorated with lights and driven by Head of School Hank Berg.

"We love participating in this parade," said Mr. Berg. "We're a school built on community and this parade is a great example of the sense of community that's a part of where we live and work. There were more than 70 local organizations and businesses represented in this year's parade and we're proud to be a part of that. Plus, it's a lot of fun and a great way to kick off the holiday season!"

Middle Schooler Alexis Conlin '22 continued the family tradition started by her brother and donned the Hawk suit for the parade. There's something about the suit that brings out the dancers everyone who puts it on. Alexis was no exception and she entertained spectators with her moves. GO HAWK!

Special thanks to Briar Leake, Highland's Director of Special Events, and Megan Catalfamo, Director of Experiential and Service Learning for their work in arranging for our participation in the parade. Watch for more galleries of holiday happenings around campus as the season progresses!

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Highland School

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