Weekly Newsletter! Ms.Moore's newsletter 2/28-3/3

What are we learning?

Math: We will review graphs and how to use them to solve problems.

Reading: We will be focusing on reading comprehension in both literary and nonfictional texts.

Phonics: (-ee and -ea vowel pairs) tree, freeze, sweet, sneeze, street, meat, leaf, weak, sweat, neat.

Social Studies: We will focus on american/Texan customs and beliefs.

Science: We will continue exploring plants and their life cycles.

Important News

  • Thank you to everyone who has donated school supplies to the classroom. We are still in desperate need of headphones. We currently only have 4 working ones in a classroom of 18.
  • After a long talk with our school nurse, I have decided to remove our bean bags and couches from our classroom. While our students absolutely love them and I have seen a huge improvement with focus, they are very difficult to clean because of their material. With all the stomach bugs going around, these items make it very difficult to sanitize our classroom completely. The bean bags and couch are currently being stored in my cabinets. Please let me know if you would like your item back or if you would like for me to throw them away. If I do not hear anything back by March 10th (the day we leave for spring break), they will be thrown out. Thank you so much for your contribution to our classroom. If you would like to still contribute, we are in need of 4 more seating items. Plastic exercise balls, plastic chairs, wobble seats etc.

Upcoming Events!!

  • 2/29 Geography Night
  • 3/3-3/9 Spring Book Fair
  • 3/7 KES Fine Arts Night and PTA meeting
  • 3/9 Spring and Class Pictures
  • 3/10 Third Nine Weeks Pep Rally
  • 3/11-3/19 Spring Break
  • 3/27 Third Nine Weeks Award Ceremony
  • 4/14 Good Friday! No School
  • 4/21 Boosterthon Fun Run
  • 5/12 PTA Family Movie Night


Created with images by geichin - "waterlilly flower texas" • castleguard - "heart sweetheart leaf" • GLady - "rose rosaceae flower" • DaveBleasdale - "daisy03"

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