Afghanistan By: Grant StyErs and Jack RObinson

Location: Afghanistan is a country in the Middle East. Afghanistan borders, Turkmenistan, Iraq, Uzbekistan, and Tajikistan

Government: Afghanistan’s government is a presidential Islamic republic.

Afghanistan’s president is Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai.

Afghanistan’s government branches are judicial executive and legislative which are the same branches we have.

Language: The Afghanistan language is Afghan. The types of languages in Afghanistan are Afghan, Persian, and Dari.

Culture: Afghanistan food is said to be very well prepared and delicious. They tend to serve out things with rice and vegetables. Afghan chefs are said to be very talented and love guests so they can show off their cooking talent.

The Afghanistan clothing is very beautiful with lots of afghani colors and designs. Men's clothing includes traditional hats and coats.

During the Taliban Regime woman had to wear garments and hats that covered them from head to toe.

Family, Honor, pride, and respect towards others are highly prized qualities

War: Currently, we are not at war with Afghanistan, but there is an ongoing war against terrorism throughout the country. We are also fighting against arms dealers that are threats to our country.

Economy: Imports: The most recent recordings for imports is in 2014 at 7.004 billion dollars. This number has lowered drastically since 2013, which sat at 12.19 billion dollars.

Exports: The most recent recording of exports is 658 million dollars. This number has also lowered drastically since 2014, which sat at 2.679 billion dollars. They currently sit at 168th in the world.

GDP:$62.32 Billion(est.2015)

$61.53 Billion(est.2014)

$59.46 Billion(est.2013)

Currency: Afghani: 1 Afghani in the U.S. is worth about 1 ½ cents. 1 U.S. dollar in Afghanistan is worth about 66.92$.
Religion: The minor religion is Shia Muslims and the major religion is Sunni Muslims.The Sunni make up 80-90% of Muslims. The Sunni are more comfortable living and following Islam in a secular society. The Shia (Shiite) make up most of the other Muslim population and have a different set of holy books.
Geopolitical Issue: One of Afghanistan’s geopolitical issues is the Taliban. The Taliban are a group of terrorists. They are targeting Afghan civilians and other people. They even had a suicide bomber strike the German consulate in the city of Mazar-I-Sharif stating it was for revenge. The Taliban rose to power in 1996 promising for peace in Afghanistan, which had been at war with the Soviet Union for a decade. Their leader is a man by the name of Mullah Mohammed Omar. He is supported by a circle of 8-10 colleagues. The Taliban seeks to establish a Sunni Islamic regime in Afghanistan.

Perspectives of different people.

The way an Afghan student felt about the fall of Kunduz” "I felt really sad when I heard of the fall of Kunduz, especially for my friends and relatives living there. And "I did not expect the government to let this happen.

Why don't Americans hate the taliban. Americans don't feel for revenge against the taliban because we don't hate insurgents.To see how this dynamic works, we can think of other wars we've involved ourselves in as tales of retribution, wrath, or revenge.


Created with images by Ninara - "Kabul, Afghanistan"

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