George Mercer's Photo Journal BY JAYDEN decambre

Musketeer loaded and ready to fire at the enemy that is invading their base. It is always used for defending their land and men are trained to use a musket.
The gunpowder gets lit with a match and explodes which forces the musket ball to last forward and release smoke. Their were multiple lines of musketeers so they could have time to reload without getting shot.
This is a traverse board which is used for navigation on a ship. The holes and the pegs are used for remembering which direction the ship has been going in and where they need to go. The captain also uses the North Star and the sunset because the sun sets toward the west.
In front of George Mercer's workplace

Today, I arrived in Colonial Williamsburg and visited my old house by the end of the road. A few days later Governor Fauquier defended me while some people wanted to kill me. I have always thanked him for saving my life.


This is the blacksmith shop which is where workers craft weapons, tools, and armor. The metal is heated up to about 3,000 degrees so that the metal can be blended and crafted into different shapes and sizes. The shop was full of the already crafted tools hanging on walls and on desks.

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