TCH 212 Clinical Experience by Lauren guttschow

What expectations did you have for this component before you made your observations? What was confirmed for you and what was different?

I expected the experience to be similar to when I went to high school. I was lucky enough to observe some art classes. Some students were having similar experiences that I did but many others acted like they didn't want to be there. I loved my art class and tried hard. So I expected the majority of students to have that attitude. I was wrong the number of students that worked hard was the minority. Most students played on their phones and made no progress on their art work.

How did these observations change your perceptions of this component? How do you imagine you will address this issue in your own future classroom? Expain.

I noted that a fair amount of students weren't working because they didn't think they were good enough artists. I would strive to make my students feel like they can exceed and be artists. Art is something that needs to be practiced. Having quick exercises to practice in combination with finaly/ bigger projects will foster confidence.

What did you observe that surprised you? Why?

It honestly surprised me that students didn’t think they were any good at art. Even students I would complent would say that it was bad or they hated it. I was a different kind of student I enjoyed my work. I knew I could always improve but I was happy with where I was. But I was surprised to see that the majority of students did not have this confidence.

How was this component treated in each of the observation sites you visited? What was different and what was the same? Why do you think these issues were treated differently in the different sites? What approach, in your opinion, is best? Why

The two art teachers I observed were very similar. Kelly was a little more hands on and really got in there to help answer students questions. This seemed to be a really great approach for the subject matter of photography. But Hooten had a harder time keeping students on track with their clay and drawing projects. She seamed a lot more tired and students didn't approach her with questions. I think Kelly’s approach was better she was very knowledgeable and able to connect with the students and give them confidence.

What is the one thing you will take away from your observation in terms of this specific component? Why did this make an impression on you? How will this make you a good educator?

I took away quite a lot from my time observing. I was surprised that so many students lacked confidence in work that I saw lots of potential in. I noted that some activities like free drawing was more of a daunting task for students. More guidance or prompts could help. Or just simple activities to not be worried about making perfect. Having that time with students was a great opportunity to see what it's like to teach high schools instead of being one.

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Lauren Guttschow

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