Humanity By Alif, Damien, Daniel, Jiayi, and Jonathan

What is humanity?

Humanity is the quality of being humane; benevolence. To display humanity is to show kindness and care for others, whether they are human or beast. We believe that humanity has been essential for society to progress to the point that we are at now, and that we must possess compassion for those we share this world with to grow together as a connected society.

Schools of Humanity.

These places of worship are, from left to right, the Sri Mariamman Temple, Masjid Jamae Chulia, and the Buddha Tooth Relic Temple. These buildings are located with 200 metres of each other and show how humans with differing beleifs can co-exist alongside one another.

Even if we we cannot help each other, we must try our best

As we were searching for sources of humanity around VivoCity, a lost tourist sought help from Jonathan, who was glad to be of assistance.

Too often we are oblivious to the people around us and we think only of ourselves.
A silent treaty of trust and friendship is formed


私の心が痛いです means 'My heart aches'
A man resiliently continues to perform his job, even as the harsh sun beats down upon him.

When we show humanity to each other, and differences are put aside, people can live peacefully in harmony

Created By
Daniel Ghinn


Daniel Ghinn

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