How the Epiphany is celebrated in other Countries? By chloe depenbrock 1/13/17

January 13, 2017

The day the Epiphany is celebrated is also known as Three Kings Day. This day is celebrated on January 6.
The day of the Epiphany is celebrated to celebrate the three kings or wise men that came to Jesus was he was born. We celebrate when the kings brought Jesus gifts.
In Spain, January 6th is called Día de los Reyes Magos, which translated into English is "The festival of three Magic Kings". In Spain, this day is similar to ourChristmas.
In Spain, on Día de los Reyes Magos, the children write letters to the Three Kings and tell them what they want. Some families in Christmas don't give gifts, but almost every family celebrates this Día de los Reyes Magos with gifts.
On the eve of día de los Reyes Magos, which would be January 5th the of children leave their shoes with sweets in them out for the kings. They also leave out milk or wine for the kings to drink while passing by.
In Spain, families eat roscón de Los Reyes for breakfast. Inside this donut shaped object is a small baby Jesus and a dried fava bean. Whoever finds the baby Jesus is king or queen for the day and whoever gets the bean has to make or buy and bring the Roscón de Los Reyes next year.



I have neither given nor received unauthorized help on this work. Chloe Depenbrock


Created with images by Wonderlane - "Star of Bethlehem, Magi - wise men or wise kings travel on camels with entourage across the deserts to find the savior, moon, desert, Holy Bible, Etching, 1885" • blickpixel - "gifts packages made"

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