Nature Activity at FLMNH BY: Katrina Crider

Nature on Display

My favorite exhibit at the FLMNH was the Butterfly Rainforest. It was so fun to be amongst all the different species of butterflies. I was hoping one would land on me the whole time I was there. I really like being able to see how beautiful the butterflies are in action, rather than just looking at them in a frame. Part of their beauty is the way they move.

Nature and Ethics

I took a video of a particularly interesting butterfly in the Butterfly Rainforest. This butterfly looks very bland from the outside but when it flaps its wings, it reveals it's beautiful blue shade. I was caught off guard by how beautiful such a seemingly unattractive butterfly could really be. Being in the Butterfly Rainforest helped me to connect with nature because I was surrounded by it. Two of my classmates went with me, and they said that they also felt like the way the museum was organized made them feel included in the exhibits. Seeing many examples of how surprising and interesting butterflies can be, like the blue butterfly above, reminds me how important it is to protect our planet so that beautiful creatures like this can continue to live and to fascinate us.

Nature and the Human Spirit

Being at the FLMNH helped me step out of my ordinary life because I usually don't pay as much attention to my surroundings as I should. I spent too much time focusing on my tasks, workload, and friends that I miss the little miracles and beautiful sights around me. The FLMNH gave me the opportunity to stay engaged with nature and focus on all the little mysteries it has to offer. I saw so many beautiful butterflies with patterns and colors that seemed unimaginable. Seeing how complex some of the butterflies were reminded me that there is so much more out there to pay attention to than my needs. It reminded me that the world is a lot bigger than I think sometimes.

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