Lace Up! Get up. Get moving.

What's is a virtual race event?

Whether you are a professional runner or just starting to gain interest in being more active, a virtual van fit into your plan. It's extra incentive to get up and go. Set a goal for yourself and hold yourself accountable.

Blaze VR Kids is in the making and coming soon!

Your race, your pace. If you have any experience running, you may have heard this saying before. Virtual races allow you to reach your goals on your scheudule and your pace. There is no judgement and no crowds. Unless of course you choose to run with friends.

Run in your neighborhood, your favorite park or even at home on your treadmill, if you are so inclined! (Sorry, treadmill humor.)

Sign up now:


Created with images by Stevebidmead - "runners male sport" • hardloperhans - "3297" • Henrique Vicente - "Running" • holdosi - "girl at night running" • slgckgc - "Running with Sue"

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