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What does your project need to be successful?

Success Definition

When putting Named User Deployment into place it is important that you define the project outcome. For example, you might define success as:

ƒ Seting up Federated log-in for Adobe Creative Users

ƒ Migrating users from Creative Cloud for teams

ƒ Ensuring that users can activate the so ware and use it successfully

ƒ Developing the skills to manage users on an on going basis

Strong Leadership

The Sponsor and Project Manager need good leadership skills in order to recruit people whose skills and experience can benefit the project and keep them on task.

Provide a Clear Rationale for the Project

Why does the project matter? It is important to communicate to all stakeholders that the project benefit is increased productivity for creative end-users which will allow them to better meet organizational creative goals.

Speak the Language of each Stakeholder

Moving to Named User Deployment requires a cross-functional team. The Creative Vice-President may not know what Federation means, while your Identity Management team is focused exclusively in this area and converses easily using technical terms like SAML and IdP.

We recommend offering each stakeholder the information they need to complete their assigned task without loading them up with non-essential information.

Be clear about what the work is, who is responsible, and the deadline for the work

It’s important that each stakeholder understands what is expected from them and knows the precise timeline of when tasks need to be completed. Each stakeholder also needs a solid understanding of how their efforts contribute to the project as a whole. Project milestones are helpful for managing these expectations and keeping teams on deadline.

Communicate and Reward

We recommend holding a short, weekly status meeting with key stakeholders and follow-up with summary email. To avoid “email smog”, we suggest an email subject lined such as “Adobe Named User Project: Status Description” which may be quickly scanned by recipients for context.

When a project milestone is met, reward the stakeholder(s) who made it happen. A “Thank You” email can both communicate status and recognize the contributions of team members.

CCE Active Use Resources

SAML Based authentication

Overview - In order for users of the external company to be able to get access and use Adobe software, they must be authenticated and authorized. The authentication is done on the external system, via SAML, either as a SSO initiated from the Adobe property (SP initiated flow) or via SSO from the customer's property (IDP initiated flow) via a directed SSO (must pass some additional information, not a simple link)

SP Initiated flow
Service Life Cycle Goals is "One Process. One Plan. Across Adobe. Predictability of process (including insertion checkpoints). Visibility of releases Alignment across organizations. Confidence high risk areas are addressed. Higher quality releases"

SLC Roadmaps

Roadmaps are available by organization.

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Created with images by tpsdave - "new york city sky clouds" • F. Montino - "knowledge management"

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