Lima Peru 2026 World cup

Lima should be held for the world cup of 2026 because the climate is not too hot or cold and the elevation isn't bad for the opposing team.
Also lima is a good place for the world cup to be held s because it has the 2nd highest population in latin america and there favorite sport is soccer, which would help with selling tickets.
Lima also has the 2nd best stadium capacity in latin america.
Lima also has a lot of beautiful natural attractions.


Created with images by mckaysavage - "Peru - Lima 100 - sunset over the Pacific swells" • mckaysavage - "Peru - Lima 099 - sunset paragliders" • Avodrocc - "Parque de la Reserva" • mckaysavage - "Peru - Lima 103 - sunset behind the Parque del Amor" • ambabheg - "Reflections on Sunset, Lima, Peru" • mckaysavage - "Peru - Lima 127 - sunset over Larcomar"

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