Race and Ethnicity Brier Fox, Lexie Wartick, Savannah Elcock, Anna Jackson

Modified Privilege Walk Activity: Stand up if you have been affected by any of the questions.

  • Stand up if you were born in Kansas
  • Stand up if you were born in the United States
  • Stand up if you were born outside of the United States
  • Stand up if you have ever judged someone based on their appearance
  • Stand up if you think race is still an issue in American Society
  • Stand up if you have more than one race in your family tree
  • Stand up if you have seen anyone be discriminated against by the color of their skin
  • Stand up if you have ever been discriminated against by the color of your skin
  • Stand up if you have seen racial or ethnic bias in a school setting

Strategies to use in the classroom:

  • Popsicle sticks
  • Drawing random numbers
  • Refer multicultural children's books
  • Give students list of people to research that are from a diverse ethnic/background

About Me Pic Collage: You will have 5 minutes to put together at least 5 pictures that represent your unique sense of self into a pic collage. Examples: food, where did you grow up, traditions, what do you do for fun, what do you value.

Upload your pic collage to Padlet. In your head, compare and contrast your pic collage to that of your classmates.


Scenarios: You and your group will have 5 minutes to read and discuss your answers to the scenarios.

1. In an integrated school, you teach a class with five African American students. You are white and are concerned about the possibility of being called “prejudiced,” so you are especially sensitive to these five students and their needs. Several of your white students notice your behavior and accuse you of “playing favorites” and of actually being anti white. How would you handle this situation?

2. You are a white teacher with high standards and expectations of all of your students. You have three Hispanic students in your class and one of them is having some behavior problems. You are direct in asking her to stop disrupting the class. She says out loud, “You’re picking on me’ cause I’m not white.” How would you handle this situation?

3. You are an African American teacher meeting with parents of an African American child in your class. You tell them you are concerned about the child’s resistance to learning standard English; you also explain that you accept the students’ use of Black English but want him or her to demonstrate knowledge of standard English that will help him or her succeed in other environments. The parents show no sign of concern or cooperation with your requests for help. How would you handle this situation?

4. During a service project planting trees at a local park, you hear a group of students laughing as one of them complains, “Why are we doing this? This is what Mexicans are for.” How would you handle this situation?

Book Suggestions: These books are great to use in the classroom to discuss race and ethnicity with students.

A Boy Called Slow by Joseph Bruchac • Freedom Summer by Deborah Wiles • My Name is Yoon by Helen Recorvits • Nappy Hair by Carolivia Herron • Brothers in Hope by Mary Luana Williams

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