Best of 2016 v.1.3 Some 2016 images i like best

The most lovely image - I love the way we look into the camera

The best Barbie shot - I am still shocked how toys lay around and look like

The most unshaved pic - in between the years shot - slowly moving towards the end

Best laughter pic - so much fun in this laughter

Best session image - we had this one around my office - in memory of Kafka - probably.

Best leaf - I like the number of ways to go you can imagine looking at these beautiful structures

Best crown pic of the year - if there's someone to rely on - Klaus is one choice - a clockwork called metal dad - simply impressive

At the air axes festival

The best complaining pic - she was complaining about the broken number plate - sooo, we didn't buy it, can't buy something like that with a broken plate

Best looking location this year - dressed to kill - no more comments - it's just around the corner

Most archaic experience - enjoying the Schwarzenegger-experience

Best action pic of myself - I really had problems with my knees but I think we did the best

Ahhh - best moralic Dilemma pic - we brought the strawberries from the dinner to the front - as she told us :-) we did it!

Sometimes it's not so easy if you are in duty

Was fun afterwards :-)

Sexiest pic of the year -

Well these guys rock...

...and roll

Best concert experience -

Loved the show - proud of taking some pics for the cd - sweden



Best friends - far from home.

It's always a pleasure to stay with mark or Achim.

One of the nicest persons I met this year - it was a real pleasure to stay for a couple of days with Sven - good conversations - that's metal 3.0

Most relaxing day in 2016 - hanging around - listening to...


Best concert pic - the light was amazing - just pushing the button - great - light, sound, lambert -- beautiful.

Best guitar pic - my acoustic fender - playing around with the lens in one hand and the camera in the other hand doing some tilt shift :-)

Best show - here you can see a part of the playlist

Best car - love this one besides my volvos - nice engine sound :-)

Best dream pic of the year - Wilhelma, dreaming of more

Best street pic - taken in bratislava

Best Maybach - also in bratislava

Best immigrant pic

Best animal pic

Best moon pic

Best surreal pic

Have fun in 2017!!

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