Jaden Schneider ABOUT ME

Hobbies- Even since I was a child I liked doing creative things. Drawing, writing, etc. As of writing this, I play a few instruments including: tuba (as shown in the title), trumpet, guitar, and a little bit of the piano. I still enjoy drawing, and I use all of my creativity to make animations and games. I've never finished a game yet, but I have some that are in progress. For example: a game where cakes throw cherries at each other, or a logic/puzzle game about matching colors. I'm even working on a VR game for the HTC Vive.


About Me- I come from an average-sized family. It's just my dad, mom, and my sister. We moved to a small town in Wisconsin when I was about 5. This is where I met my awesome friends. Both my friends and family encourage my creative side, and I am very glad they are a part of my life.


Family Activities- My family likes to do things together sometimes. We go camping when we can, and we usually go to Wisconsin Dells in the spring. We enjoy going to Devils Lake State Park, which is a very beautiful place. If you haven't been there before, I recommend you go. There are many hiking trails to enjoy, and its pretty close to Wisconsin Dells, so you can cool off there on a hot day.


Favorites- One thing about me that is pretty odd is: I don't choose favorites. I don't know if it's because they change a lot, or if I just have a hard time deciding. If I had to decide, these would be my favorites (these might change in about 3 seconds):

  • Color: green
  • Artist: John Singer Sargent (for his awesome beard)
  • Band: Queen
  • Food: bacon cheeseburger
  • Movie: Gremlins.

That's all I can think of for now.

Pictured: Awesome Beard

Bucket List-

  • Grow a John Singer Sargent Beard
  • Have a two day birthday (Go over the international date line)
  • Make a laser tag park
  • Become the pinball wizard
  • Finish a video game
  • Make a game studio
  • Animate something
  • Own my grandparents cottage
  • Travel the country, and then the world
  • Go scuba diving
  • Re-enact the I can't drive 55 music video


Created with images by Hermann - "rotary valves tuba valves" • TechDaveStudios - "Today's weapon of choice! VR is needed in my LIFE!!!! #vive #htc #vr #life #college" • Hans - "milwaukee art museum museum of fine arts" • lipefontes0 - "cheese breakfast food" • graciousrebel - "dome madison wisconsin" • Lotzman Katzman - "Devils Lake from top"

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