For Native Americans Mascot Rikiyah Mcdaniel😍

Claim: I do think teams should use Native Americans mascots. I just dont think they should use it in a bad way.

Supporting Evidence: Im claiming it because people should show support of the Natives.

A quote that proves this point is "The Washington Redskins team, our fans and community have always believed our home represents honor, respect and pride".

This quote shows explain what the quote shows, This support my claim by the feel like its there home still and people our showing the support and respect for them. Some of the Natives like it.

Supporting Evidence 2: Im claming this because it doesn't even matter to most of the Natives Americans about the logos

Another quote that supports the claim in this paragraph is, "In the Washington post poll is 9% calls it offensive, 90% dosen't bother, and 2% did'nt have any opinion".

The fact that state what happened or what is happening in quote is important because state why quote is important, This support my claim by some Natives just don't mind or care what the teams logo's are and some are fans of it.


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