

Preparing to Vote

Go to: https://github.com/greymass/eos-voter/releases

Important: Do not download from any other location!

Select latest version for your OS ie. eos-voter-0.15.dmg for mac or eos-voter-setup-0.15.exe

Install application by dragging it into your applications folder on Mac or double clicking in Windows

Opening your wallet

Open EOS-Voter

EOS-Voter app icon
You are presented with the 'Producer' voting screen. You will need to enter your account name and private key on the left

If you have an address starting with EOS you have a public key and will need to select Lookup your account name?

Copy and paste the public key you saved when you created your EOS address

The matching account will automatically display

Your 12 character account name should be retrieved: ie: gu4tcobxg4ge.

Copy this account name and press close

Close button

Now Enter the account name with the password you created during the mainsale

You can save/encrypt the password on your local computer for easier access yo your EOS wallet

Click Use account + key without saving for maximum security

Voting your top 30

Select up to 30 block producers you wish to vote for. They will each receive 1 vote for each of your tokens so don't be shy! Check out https://bp.eosgo.io/ for more info on block producers!

You can search or scroll through the list from highest vote to lowest.

Once you have selected as many or as few block producer selections as you wish select Submit change to blockchain

whether you vote for 2 BP's or 30 your selections receive 1 vote for every EOS you hold

You will be asked to Confirm your vote selection.

Click Submit Votes

Clicking submit votes will create the voting transaction immediately

If successful you will be presented with the transaction information.

Voting completed

Congratulations! You have voted! close and exit eos-voter to finish.

Voting Instructions provided by EOS Silicon Valley.

Vote for us as BP!


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Created with images by Osman Rana - "Light painting on city street" • mounsey - "polling station poll election day" • Carles Rabada - "Apple Park"

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