3.2 PINK Eyelash Lace Lightly Lined Halter Bralette Launch

This is the bra of SPRING BREAK, featuring it prominently in all spring break marketing leading up to the PINK Spring Break Event in Cancun. Campaign theme leans into the show off nature of the fashion bra. While also tapping into the emotion of the season…its spring break, time to show up! Wear under a tank to show off or wear alone!!

Complete her wardrobe to matchback to the PINK Eyelash Lace Lightly Lined Halter Bralette:

• Panty Matchback: Eyelash Cheekster

• Top Matchback: Super Soft Lace Up Tank

BWC Update

Ensure the PINK Eyelash Lace Lightly Lined Halter Bralette is in the Wardrobing Center in all sizes in the launch spot of the BWC

NOTE: PINK stores can add fashion colors into the PINK BWC, add the newest colors, based on inventory availability

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