The Era of Good Feelings America during the 1800's

The new American country is thriving. Determination to grow and improve is overwhelming. Being an American in the early 1800's means to have pride in one's country and culture. Citizens have pleasure in their new found freedom and way of life.

Political growth has only prospered during the presidency of James Monroe. A leading supporter of economic nationalism, Henry Clay created his own american system. It includes federal spending on transportation projects, taxes on transported goods, and strong National banks. "Government is a trust, and the officers of the government are trustees; and both the trust and the trustees are created for the benefit of the people." -Henry Clay. He believed he was responsible to help the people of the country and the country as a whole.

One form of folk art is making quilts.

While America strives to create a new and unique culture, many of the art traditions from Europe are used in everyday life. Not only trained professional artists use these techniques. Many regular citizens make folk art using colorful paterns, signs, and murals. They made illustrations and sewed symbols of their country and things from everyday life. Professionals create detailed portraits that capture personalities. John James Audubon is a naturalist. He uses techniques that distinguish nature. "As I grew up I was fervently desirous of becoming acquainted with Nature." -John James Audubon. As a way to do this, he draws birds from the vast american scenery

Early music

Music has a strong impact on the growing nation. A wide array of music sweeps across the country. From classical music, played by orchestras, to spiritual songs, sung by African American slaves, music has become a strong influence on every person. Other forms of music include folk songs and minstrel. Music is used to dance or sing along with, to tell stories, or just to entertain. Songs can expressed hard times and accomplishments. Maryland Lawyer, Francis Scott Key, made a poem, that later turned into a song. "Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light, What so proudly we hail'd at the twilight's last gleaming? Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thro' the perilous fight..." He wrote this as a way to establish how great and magical this moment was.

New ideas in literature have began to sprout in American writing. The technique of romanticism arrived recently. The idea of something mysterious or strange is incorporated in many new writings. One that is wildly popular is "Sleepy Hollow" authored by Washington Irving. It tells the story of a headless horseman who terrorizes the town of Sleepy Hollow. A quote from the story tells of witches and spells. "Some say that the place was bewitched by a high German doctor..." -Sleepy Hollow, Washington Erving. This technique of romanticism seems to pull everyone's interest as it influences new writers.

Although some of the citizens, such as slaves or women, would not think of this time as the Era of Good Feelings, the country is in the best condition it has ever been in. The economy is thriving and the new american culture is being built. Other than the new culture, slave rights have been put into place, and many slaves have been freed.

In conclusion, Being an American in the Early 1800's means to be proud and honored to be a part of their country. There has been growth within music, literature, art, and politics. A new American culture has been created and is thriving along with it's people.

"The Star-Spangled Banner." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 19 Feb. 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. <>. "John James Audubon." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 17 Feb. 2017. Web. 20 Feb. 2017. <>. Shmoop Editorial Team. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Quotes." Shmoop. Shmoop University, 11 Nov. 2008. Web. 21 Feb. 2017. <>. "Public Trust." Public Trust - Wikiquote. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2017. <>.


Created with images by Tony Fischer Photography - "James Monroe, 5th US President, 1817-1825" • Family O'Abé - "Flag in the fading sun" • Glyn Lowe Photoworks. - "The White House, Northside, Washington DC" • Muffet - "1895 quilt" • Runder - "music wall" • paulbr75 - "sleepy hollow sign cemetary sign" • dbking - "Emancipation statue at Lincoln Park"

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