Texas Revolution Abby Gifford & Caiden McElligott

Key People

  • Santa Anna- A Mexican General.
  • Stephen F. Austin- A young agent.
  • Colonel William Travis- A lawyer and a soldier.
  • Sam Houston- Named to head the Texas army.

Chain of Events

  • Mexican Independence- Mexico gained independence from Spain.
  • Battle of Gonzales- The Mexican army tried to take a cannon from the town of Gonzales, Texas also known as "come and take it".
  • Battle of the Alamo- The strategy to stall to get more troops. Santa Anna executed 350 people.
  • Battle of Goliad- Texans were enraged by the massacres.
  • Battle of San Jacinto- Texans captured Santa Anna and forced him to sign a treaty giving Texas its independence.

Result of Texas Revolution

  1. By highing empresarios, or agents to bring settlers to Texas. It was slaves.
  2. Texas wasn't following the laws. Yes, The U. S Congress, most of Texas, and finally Andrew Jackson agreed.

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