Minecraft Mayhem A story of Temporary Defeat

This past week was one of much stress when it was intended to be filled with only excitement and joy. I never had played Minecraft on a laptop/pc but had played A LOT on my xbox 360 at home. I had created many things and learned how to do anything from build a skyscraper to a roller coaster/cart. I was looking forward to breezing through the homework and classwork pertaining to Minecraft but it was not to be so simple.

It Started with my Laptop crashing -_-

So I had Adobe Premier Pro open and my laptop crashed when I opened Minecraft so I figured I just had too much open, that wasn't the case. I closed Premier Pro and opened it back and crashed again so I asked for help. I tried deleting it and re-installing and opening it and it worked for one second, I kid you not, it worked for one second. I managed to run out of my free trial by opening it too many times so that started another hassle. I have no idea who the "Admin" is and it just says it sent to the admin.

So what will ThiccWetPapi do????

I am not going to let temporary defeat turn into failure. I figure this is a sign from the metaphysics of the Universe leveling out the playing field because I have played Minecraft and others haven't. I would like to add that I do have Minecraft already installed on my xbox at home if it comes down to that. Furthermore, I have an Elgato Game Capture at my house so I can make very nice videos of Minecraft in Adobe Premier Pro (I have made a lot of videos) so I will definitely use that to my advantage but I may need to make arrangements for that because I live in Greenville and that is a 45 minute drive added on to my schedule so I would probably have to make sure in advance in case I turn it in a day or two late because it's at home. I do think it would be well-worth it though because I love video editing and am actually aiming for NYU Grad school in film because of my love for making videos/film so I will definitely let Christopher know when I aim to make each Minecraft video.

Allen Ginsberg-Poetry

Bard Creative Piece: A poem about Minecraft

Opening screen for which 'thy mustn't know

Comes' a crashing down along with my wary hopes

Sink beneath the ether and onto my feathered clothes

Pick you up and re-install for surely another outcome will grow

But you deceive me and end my gifted trial

When all I aimed to do was build with sand, stone, dirt, and gravel

Now one may never know how far ThiccWetPapi would travel

Villages, farms, caves with creepers, islands or castles

Blocks of dirt or blocks of glass from the oven

There is no stopping what Papi could build; a cart or a bed for lovin'

He could kill pigs for ham like it was nothing

But in reality, we may never know because Papi's installation is struggling


Created with images by Uriel 1998 - "Minecraft Cathedral" • Andrew Mason - "IMG_1464" • Cea. - "Brighter Future" • marcelo noah - "More Solomon"

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