My cat, Blaze The greatest cat to ever step foot on this earth

Blaze loved to go hunting with me and eat the barn sparrows that I shot that day. He also loved to go for runs with me, never falling behind, but always finding ways to win. After a especially long day of running, he loved to sleep, but in the most awkward positions possible
Blaze also loved to play with the other cats we have. He wasn't too harsh, but he definitely wasn't gentle. Surprisingly, Blaze wasn't scared of water like most cats, but loved to splash in it and tease the other cats. Blaze was very adventurous and daring, which wasn't exactly the best thing, because he loved to go hunting on or by the road. Probably my favorite part of Blaze was when he was very mischievous. When you would try to call him out on what he had done; which was usually knocking something off of the countertop, he would act as innocent as a doll. You couldn't help be mad because it was just so funny watching him try to fake his innocence.
The purpose of creating an altar is to remember the ones that are lost, but never forgotten; and to carry out there legacy in life so that nobody forgets about them. It also helps remind us why we loved them and why we should never let them out of our life. Although they make us initially sad, it will bring us happiness in the end.
At an altar, you would usually find the person that was lost' favorite flowers, pictures of them, candles, and other decrative ornaments
Something that the United States does that is like day of the dead, is funerals. We do almost the same things, such as flowers and candles. This is only one time a year though, compared to day of the dead which is every year.
It has taught me that it is a big deal and that we should celebrate there lives, instead of dreading there absents. It also showed me different cultures and how they celebrate things differently that us


Created with images by h4cknEy3d - "Agent Orange" • StevenBrace - "New Years" • Pexels - "bird animal sparrow" • morzaszum - "spot runs start" • spies, emanuele spies - "Sleeping beauty" • rihaij - "cat mieze kitten" • Chrismatos ♥90% OFF, sorry - "Sweet Mr Ricky, Love You Forever..." • Emil_95 - "Portrait cat" • maarjaara - "tigger and his toys" • Son of Groucho - "Altar" • Couleur - "rose flower blossom" • Hans - "stone grave coffin death" • aarontait - "Candle Macro"

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