Headphones What type you want to buy?

Beats Solo 3 is completely wireless unless you like you the wire. Approximately around 40 hours of battery life, and has noise cancellation. But the price will be $300. Ear cups are made of leather for great grip and comfort.
JBL Everest Elite 700 has up to 15 hours of battery life. Wireless and also with the beats it includes noise cancellation. The price is $300. When your not using them they automatically turn off so no extra battery life will be wasted.
Bose Quite Comfort 35 has up to 20 hours of batter life and is fully wireless and includes noise cancellation. The price is $350. You can also play music wired if you wanted to.
Monster Elements have super cushion memory foam for good feeling. Like the past three headphones noise cancellation is not available for this headphone, it is fully wireless. The price will be $350.

I recommend the JBL Everest Elite 700 for its high quality, and it's features that its opponents does not have.


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