Art Exam

My name is Nick Matvichuk and I hate art. I have an appreciation for artists and the work they put into their pieces, but I personally don't like it. I don't see the appeal or the pleasure in drawing or any form of art. The only reason I'm in this class is because someone had the bright idea of making art credits mandatory to graduate. My only goal right now is to join the Army and serve my country. I hope and have been training to go to Airborne School and one day I hope to be a part of Ranger School. Even if I fail I have to try or else I can't complain. College is a maybe if I'm not deployed and I feel comfortable financially I'd take classes during my service. Probably for engineering or doing something with weapons. Weapons designer, manufature, etc. I don't love or hate this class. I don't like any of the people besides the teacher. They're just not people I'd associate with. I don't like artsy types.

Elements of Art
Negative/Positive Drawing

The shape of the web shows dimension in low parts and shaded more higher parts adds value and strength to picture.

Hand drawing

Light spots would be the light capturing the lighter values of the drawing, the darker values captures the shape and shadows in certain angles.


The lines on the shirt give off a perfect shape as of being wrinkled, the shadows on the face give off a light and heavy value, like light is being shined at an angle.

Stippling Piece

The value captures the texture, adds shape and vanishing points.

Still Life Drawing

The more darkened the shaded areas are the more value it adds, the light areas add texture and blend into the light and heavy spaces.

Scratch board Drawing

The texture adds character throughout the picture, with the light blending into the darker parts, it adds more value and makes it pop.

2-Point Perspective Drawing

The cross hatching adds detail and the vanishing points adds lots of direction within the roads as the disappear into the distance.

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