The Snowstorm Of 2017 By cade sleeth

POW I woke up thinking what was that sound? I opened my lizards cage and gave him a mouse to eat then he crawled on my back and I looked outside and the plow hit me in the face I Closed the door and went to the attic then out the window I don't know how to describe it but I was cold. So I got three sweaters even a coat for my lizard Bowser. In the attic there was a dog I named him Maddox 

Next, I realize the snow is higher than the roof of my house but other than that I could not see anything

So I got some snow goggles and some skis also a sled for Maddox and Bowser I tied a rope to me and the other side to the sled then I skied over to the grocery store it was a bumpy ride at the grocery store I got a lot of food kind of like hibernation I went back home and put a bunch of coats on then I went to bed it was SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO cold. The next day I found three tickets to Florida 

I would not be cold anymore so I packed so much even the hamster in my vent. It was 4:00am I got a cage for Maddox an a sock for Bowser my food was 3 sandwiches a cookie and J-ello. There I was in Florida Mac and Austin said "hi" Mac had 3 tickets to Universal studios

We went on so many rides even Maddox and Bowser snuck on after we went to Austins house we played Minecraft and got about 800000000 diamonds yes, that's a number at we watched movies and ate popcorn

At Macs house we played hockey on his driveway and that was the blizzard of 2017



Created with images by LoggaWiggler - "kermit frog fun" • indamage - "Dog" • Milchdrink - "bearded dragon australia lizard" • Robb North - "unforgettable" • EyangSabur - "symbol universal studio osaka" • Alexas_Fotos - "not hear not see do not speak"

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