Happily ever Jacobson Winter 2017

Connor and Joanna first met when they were children because their older sisters were friends growing up. neither of them thought much of it until they met years later and by the grace of God fell in love.

Their story is one of hope and unconditional love. Connor never thought Joanna would date him and was surprised when she said yes to their first date. Joanna had been praying to God lately asking him for direction and guidance with regards to love. After Connor asked Joanna out, she saw a shooting star and had faith that this might be the one.

Connor took Joanna to a Darius concert their first date and during the show Joanna put her head on his shoulder. Connor knew at that moment that Joanna was the girl for him. Months later they moved in together and started building a life. Just one year after they started dating Connor asked Joanna to marry him at the biltmore hotel after a relaxing spa day. He got down on one knee and asked if she would be his forever and she said yes.

Love is unexpected and wonderful. It is a blessing that must always be cherished and nourished. Here's to a new life full of joy, wonder and adventure. Please help us share our special day when Joanna Blasi and Connor Jacobson become one in heavenly matrimony.

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