Colourful Reptiles Colours M@tter
Five-lined Skink: This skink is remarkable for its blue colored tail and for the 5 yellow lines on its body. The young is sometimes known as the Blue-tailed skink, while the adult is known as the Red-headed skink. They are normally found in the United States.

The Rainbow Agama is a very colorful lizard that can be found Sahara, Africa. This lizard is often seen in the heat of the day. During mating season the males become stunningly colorful; the head and neck and also tail turning bright orange, and the body dark blue. For the male colours do matter! These reptiles feed on insects

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Gold Day Dust Gecko: This tiny lizard, growing up to 9 inches long, is bright green or yellowish green or rarely even blue in color. Its neck and upper back are characterized by yellow speckles. Its upper eyelids, feet and toes are blue.

The Panther Chameleon is a very colorful chameleon species that inhabits tropical forest in Madagascar. Male Panther Chameleon, which is more brilliantly colored and much larger than, can grow up to more than 45 cm in length. Of all the most colorful lizards, Panther Chameleon is one of the best choices for a pet. Just provide it with a precise environment which is almost exactly the same as a jungle and feed it with necessary foods which are rich in vitamins.

The Oriental Garden Lizard is a unique lizard that change color during breeding season. The male’s throat turns into bright red (observed above).
The very red Peninsular Rock Agama of Ghats, India is lizard species that has a large head. The underside is yellow with the throat mottled with grey. It usually basks on bare rocks and feeds on insects. It can grow up to 34 cm in length. It is also commonly known as South Indian Rock Agama.

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