immigration by kevin.juarez

immigration is someone that is traveling from one place to another and to a country that they don't belong.and they are treted like difrent peaple because they ar not frome that cuntry. immigration is afecting austin because it is geting peaple scared

the issue affected people 50 years ago because they immigrated to different countries and were send back to where they came.they experience pornes because they did not have a place to live.the ice come to your house and they

the people are going to be free and immigration is going to stop and people are going to bring he wal down and donald trump is not going to be the president.t

I can protest with the american people and that will help us in immigrants and donald trump won't build the big wall.


Created with images by simonallardice - "Bunk beds for those detained in the immigation station..." • ribzy - "immigration is rad!"

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