Jessica Alba BY: zachary hilleboe

Jessica Alba nació el 28 de abril de 1981 en Pomona California es una actriz, modelo y empresaria conocida por "Spy Kids: Todo el tiempo en el mundo", "Fantastic Four" e incluso "Into The Blue".Ella nació en Pomona California Estados Unidos.

Jessica Alba is a famous actor, model, and business women who is an inspiration to all want to be actors and models. Her net worth is 340 million dollars!! Her business is The Honest Company which emphasizes non-toxic household products to supply the marketplace for ethical consumerism. It was worth over 1.7 billion dollars in November 2015. Her paternal grandparents were both immigrants from Mexico.

Her first time ever showing up in front of cameras was in 1994 Camp Nowhere. Her second big hit was 2010 Valentines Day. As she became more popular she went from actor to a successful businesswoman and model and actor. That's a lot to try to do daily! In the long run she will be a billionaire really really quick as her net worth is so much.


Created with images by AshleyCooper - "Jessica_Alba_blue_chanel-handbag" • Sal Ami - "Jessica Alba kneeling"

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