SNACKTOPS Social media Plan

Framework for Social Media Plan

When consulting a business for social media optimization we employ a framework that defines general steps for the incorporation of a social media activities in the company’s business processes.

After the development of the framework, it is much easier to create the detail map of the business processes and the responsibilities, needed to develop and maintain a social media activities within the company.

Here is our proposed frameworks for social media (optimization)

Identify What Your competition is doing

Strong Twitter Presence
Grubtub/R&P Assoc used this photo?

Most Robust Social Media

Whirley Drinkworks has an active Social Media Presence on all Outlets

Guidelines to Social Media Success:

  • Know your audience / Pick the right social media site to target
  • Discover the needs of your audience
  • Learn the lingo and value system
  • Add unique value to the community
  • Make sure the information you provide is accurate
  • Be transparent
  • Be patient
  • Be prepared to let go (your content)
  • Don’t spam

ACES is the complex framework based on the four elements:

  • Audiences
  • Capabilities
  • Enablement
  • Sustainability
  • Social media tracking/Reputation management.
  • Returns.
  • Determine measurement based on outcomes…


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