Three poems

Six word memoir:

Escaping my own past, backwards sprinting.

Shakespearean Sonnet:

The hardest part remains to be unseen

All are full of ignorance not so bliss

Only one is enlightened not the feen

Not much to do but sit and reminisce

Apprise reality grasp it tightly

Rewind daily to heartfelt memories

Adopt faith proceed ahead gratefully

Find focus through the haziest stories

Accept the beginning and pride the end

Live in your life and not the delusion

Fulfill the turns that corner every bend

Do not forget to deafen your demon

Every single move has its own counter

Brace for recrudescence, always stronger

Song Sonnet:

Song: Innermission - Logic

I wanna go back to when times were fine

Relive memories that went for granted

Using my lessons to enlighten kine

No matter the creed everyone’s slanted

Flying recklessly right through this highway

Praying that these traits will keep me grounded

Only glimpses of home on the fly by

Feeling like eternity unrooted

Waking up another day thanking god

Everyday testin’ lessons of my faith

Wondering if I’ll plummet through the fog

Grasp tightly to morals kept in a safe

Realize now that this moment is our own

It’s too late when the moment is disowned

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