
CONNECT Youth Adult Partnerships for your Community

"As a community organization, we are trying to impact the entire community. The community consists of adults as well as youth. I find it difficult to think we can reach our full level of impact when we only have part of the puzzle, part of the story, part of the community. We need everyone. That means we need YOUTH and ADULTS there TOGETHER. The puzzle cannot be complete without all pieces"

~ Community Health Coalition Member

What more could you do if you had more youth input?

How could adults provide experience and resources to traditionally youth filled groups?

Could a training for your organization, coalition, or business help give you the tools to think broader and make a true youth adult partnership a reality?

The CONNECT experience can help to break down barriers and build relationships and skills needed to have a true partnership.

"Young people help clarify and bring focus to the organization's mission" (Advocates for Youth)

"The adults and the organization, as a whole, become more connected and responsive to youth in the community, leading to programming improvements." (Advocates for Youth)

CONNECT is a collaborative community experience for youth and adults who partner to impact their community and organizations, enabling improved community connections and civic engagement unlike current limited or non-existent youth adult partnership opportunities.

If you have read this far it is likely you are involved in a community organization that could benefit from the CONNECT experience. Youth and Adult Partnerships don't just happen. There are important skills both youth and adults need to learn and practice if partnerships are to be successful. Bringing youth and adults together to participate in the CONNECT Experience can be the first step to great strides for your group. Click below to learn more.


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