Dimensions of Wellness

Spiritual Wellness: This picture represents the cross at the summer camp I work at, Lutheran Valley Retreat. This camp has helped me strengthen my faith as I have constantly been surrounded by God-loving peers and role models that have inspired me to live out my faith. Being outside, being active, and telling kids about a God who has such crazy love for them is the best way I could spend a summer.
Physical Wellness: These pictures show some of the things I love: hiking, skiing, and more hiking! I have fallen in love with backpacking this past summer as I got to be an Adventure counselor at camp and have enjoyed two years of collegiate soccer with the lovely lady on the right.
Emotional Wellness: My family has supported and helped me through many of years of emotions. They have been there through my crying, anger, frustration, joy, and laughter. They love and support me no matter what. They keep me in check and positively influence my emotional wellness.
Financial Wellness: Even though I haven't had a lot of experience in establishing and keeping my own finances, my student loans and college tuition is definitely working to keep me on my toes.

Cultural Wellness: I have lived in Colorado for about 12 years now and really do appreciate the culture that it has to offer. It is always so interesting to see how different places, even different places in one state can have different cultures. My hometown of 5,000 people is made up of hispanics, farmers and native Coloradans and I wouldn't want to change that for anything.

Intellectual wellness: I love reading, especially in my hammock outside. And when I have to read for homework, I get to kill two birds with one stone! I have enjoyed my college experience so far, and have appreciated the knowledge and wisdom I have gained here at CUNE.
Interpersonal Wellness: There are so many great people in my life. I have enjoyed being an RA here on campus, getting to meet new people and forming great friendships with some awesome people here at CUNE and at camp.
Environmental Wellness: I deeply appreciate the outdoors and want to preserve and protect them so that many people can experience the greatness that this earth has to offer. This is a picture I took at Canyonlands National Park.

Occupational Wellness: I am so excited to be a teacher! I have enjoyed several educational classes here at Concordia and I hope to remember what I have learned and apply it to my future classes. This video shows some field experience that I did as well as three "pearls of knowledge" that the teacher suggested for my future classroom.


Created with images by Guggei - "sunset mountains summit cross" • Got Credit - "Student Loans"

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