Sebastian's Journey through the Florida Natural History Museum SEBAStian Seubert ~ Section:083H

NATURE ON DISPLAY: The Florida's Fossils exhibit was my favorite exhibit within the Natural History Museum. It was exciting to be able read and see how Florida and its animals changed throughout the years with real visuals and artifacts. The exhibit was very well set up, starting with the huge shark teeth, then circling an arena of animals, to an interesting light show at the end. Being able to actually experience history, rather then just learning about it in school makes it much more enjoyable and interesting.
NATURE AND ETHICS: I agree with Leopold, that we have to see nature as more then just economic value. I have fought for conservation throughout high school and for this reason I have always loved the Natural History Museum. It has a lot of sets with nature scenes in it that exist and don't exist anymore today. This shows us the beauty of nature that hasn't been messed with and also shows us that if we just see economic value in nature, it will disappear. Showing scenes of places that don't exist or don't exist much anymore, does instill an ethical feeling inside of you to conserve nature because you see what happens if you don't.
Nature and the Human Spirit: Museums always help us step out of our ordinary lives into different time periods and places. By placing us into a different time period or place, we become emerged and see and feel like we become part of that place and time. I especially enjoyed the Native American exhibit of the museum because they existed here before us. I find it really interesting the stark contrast between our lives and their lives even though it took place in the same place. Understanding your history like this, helps us as humans become more compassionate and open to helping and conserving it.
Created By
sebastian seubert


All photographs taken by Dominique, a personal friend

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