Canford Rowing Bryanston Bash 2016

Canford boat club finished the term with a festive outing kindly organised by Bryanston School. It was a different format from normal regattas with all the crews being mixed up and put together in quads from Bryanston, Canford, Millfield , a few Young Crocodiles, Christchurch Rowing Club and Bournemouth and Westover Club. Festive hats were in order and the Canford coaches sported a great array of headwear.

Mixed teams and Santa hats. Rapid fire, crash and burn racing. Fantastic!
Smiles aplenty, at least before some of the more seasonal weather kicked in
Liv showed good form throughout the event
Mike and our Canford Croc progressed well to the later stages at Bryanston
Mark pre race
Martha and Jacob - sculling seems so easy they can do it with their eyes closed!
I'm still not convinced Toby isn't finishing off a roll up there
Will and Kitty, all smiles here
Robert providing Josh with some gentle encouragement
Santa's new slay - the winning boat with Sophie at bow and George at Cox - well done guys
Santa's recent weight loss regime has delivered great results. George coxed both of the finalists through the event and then won the final itself in the boat he chose to go in.

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