Recycle think future, think green. save money

Every year we throw out about 1 billion trees which is about 85,000,000 pieces of paper. Recycling is an important way to help stop pollution on this earth and save people tons of money and energy.

75% of the population today recycles daily. The more paper and plastic we recycle, the less trees will be cut down and there will be less pollution.

It is important to recycle plastic and glass bottles because you will get payed in some state to recycle.





Created with images by cluczkow - "tree" • MoneyBlogNewz - "Recycling bin" • Mzlle - "forest landscape sun" • Reciclado Creativo - The Reuse Factory - "plastic bottles recycled, repurposed, upcycled. Botellas de plástico recicladas, reutilizadas (31)"

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