Oregon Country land acquisition

The Oregon country was a portion of land between the pacific and the rocky mountains in the northwest of present united states. In 1818, the United States and Britain agreed to join occupation of the territory of Oregon,This allowed people from both states to settle in Oregon.

Later in time British and american settlers came for different reasons,British settlers came for mostly trade. American settlers came to be missionaries or to start farms and look for bigger settlements.By 1840 Americans outnumbered the British settlers and wanted to end the joined occupation to have Oregon for themselves.They had no power to end it,because the British decided to agreed to a negotiation between the two countries.

The negotiation between the United States and the British began in the summer of 1845. Americans first proposal was that they divide Oregon in half, but the British rejected this deal, which caused aggression to Americans.This made the Americans want to go into war with the British,while shouting the phrase fifty-four-forty or fight.these were coordinates to the part of Oregon where to be divided in half. The British did not want to get involved in this war so in 1846 the two countries came to a agreement to divide Oregon.


Created with images by LukeDetwiler - "Gorge Trail 400" • jimcintosh - "American Flag"

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