Bilingual Beginners A fun and easy way to learn another language

At Little Linguists Nursery, as well as Childcare setting, we provide a range of workshops for parents, nannies and their children to learn another language. These workshops use sensory materials, music and imagination to create rich and fun learning experiences for your child. These sessions will nurture young children's creative impulse whilst learning another language. You will also have the opportunity to meet other parents and share your child's milestones with our friendly staff.

We offer a range of sessions in French, Italian and Portuguese. We also offer Baby massage sessions with parents.


Our French teacher will welcome you and your child for a baking session once a week. You will discover delicious food from the French gastronomy! Yummy!

Your child will learn French language using what they like to do the most! Art and Craft activities!

Our sessions will be divided regarding the age of the children. The teacher will be exploring different themes, using different resources, materials and the children's interests.

And all this, using French language!

We offer French Tutoring for children age 3-8 years old. The classes will be divided in small groups regarding the level of French of the students. Our sessions are opened to everybody, from beginners to advanced.

The teacher will explore, with the children, different thematics during the sessions and use various tools (reading, conversation, play games and songs) to teach them French language but also French culture.

This is also a great opportunity if your child goes to French schools or studies French to get help for their homework!


Little ones don’t need extravagant play times set up for them. Absolutely everything is something to explore and wonder at when experiencing it for the first time! From toes in the grass to splashing in water, babies find out about this brand new world around them using all of their senses, sometimes all at the same time.

During these sessions, our native Italian teacher will help you and your baby to explore their senses and all in Italian.

Our teacher will explore art and crafts activities with your child in Italian.

Come and discover our Italian baking sessions every Wednesday where your child will discover Italian gastronomy! Yummy!

We offer Italian Tutoring for children age 3-8 years old. The classes will be divided in small groups regarding the level of Italian of the students. Our sessions are opened to everybody, from beginners to advanced.

The teacher will explore, with the children, different thematics during the sessions and use various tools (reading, conversation, play games and songs) to teach them Italian language but also Italian culture.

This is also a great opportunity if your child studies Italian to get help for their homework!


During our Portuguese babies sensory activities, our teacher will explore different themes and textures and will help you having fun with your child, using your 5 senses.

Our native Portuguese teacher will teach your child Portuguese words while having fun making new arts and crafts to bring home at every sessions they will attend.

We offer Portuguese Tutoring for children age 3-8 years old. The classes will be divided in small groups regarding the level of Portuguese of the students. Our sessions are opened to everybody, from beginners to advanced.

The teacher will explore, with the children, different thematics during the sessions and use various tools (reading, conversation, play games and songs) to teach them Portuguese language but also Portuguese culture.

This is also a great opportunity if your child studies Portuguese to get help for their homework!

Baby Massage

"Massage is a wonderful and special gift that you can share with your baby. Baby massage is an ancient art used in many diverse cultures to help with a variety of physical and emotional needs and to promote relaxation. Babies crave skin contact. Touch is your baby’s most developed sense at birth and through it you can communicate love, security and trust to your baby immediately. Everyone has the ability to touch and massage another. You do not need any qualifications to massage your baby. Baby massage is simply a method that helps to reinforce the natural power of touch. Baby massage will allow you to understand your baby’s subtle non verbal language and develop your ability to listen to your baby through the creation of a special intimate time together. When you massage your baby you lay down the foundations of trust and security which will help you to build a happy and confident relationship with your baby for the future...Baby Massage is great fun to learn and a brilliant way to meet other parents and spend special time with your baby."

Our baby massage sessions will be held every Saturdays mornings.

Bookings need to be made directly with Helen Joyce at or call us for more information.

Please give us a call for further informations about our classes and to book your sessions! Be ready for the fun!

Email: Tel: 02081278581

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