Invention Journal Slides

I felt that this was a hard project because the coding blocks did not respond as I wanted them to do and the final product did not seem as we wanted it to be. At first it was hard because our group was kind of lost, after one or two classes we started making some progress.

I also saw across the room some of the other groups work. I realized that there are other ways to make a robot paint on a canvas with a arm. The most memorable design was the robot penguin that was on a large piece of paper. This robot would use wheels to slide across the paper with a marker on the tail. This robot was definitely different than ours.

The coding was the hardest part of the project. The scratch 2 program was a bit difficult to use since there was no backpack to copy and paste blocks. Therefore I had to copy the whole entire thing but adjust some small numbers. My group also was not to happy about how fast the gear was turning and wanted it to go faster. However, I learned a lot about scratch and how it works. This really helped me understand it in more detail, so later when we do projects in scratch it can help me code.

Making our robot was a bit of a challenge. Although we did not have the best robot at the end, the robot worked and it taught me which mistakes to correct when making another robot. I thought that this was actually the best robot that we made so far, but it did not look as expected. It worked, but the gear did not spin as fast as we wanted.

Our robot is a Donald Trump robot that paints the walls of the US and Mexico. His rotating arm paints on a canvas while he sings a song.

We experimented and the coding was complicated, but in the end the gear turned. The gear also would not turn as fast as we wanted it to. So then we decided that we were going to make canvases on both sides and he would paint them both.

The original plan was to make a robot that paints, but then we turned it into a Donald Trump looking robot that would paint to walls with Mexico and the US on both sides. We also wanted to put wheels but then we threw out that idea because it took to much work for the avaible time.

Our robot worked, but the arm would come off every few seconds. Therefore, we taped the arm so it would not fall off. The song only plays once, so you have to reset the code if you want to play the song. Another way that we tried is to switch the gears or coding, but it still had the same result.

The arm now spins fully (but not as fast as we wanted to) and the paint does not scratch off.

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