Snowball- Leon Trotsky By: Paris, Hayden, Bayley, christIan

Trotsky was a key figure in the Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia, second only to Vladimir Lenin in the early stages of Soviet communist rule. But he lost out to Joseph Stalin in the power struggle that followed Lenin's death, and was assassinated while in exile.

Snowball portrays Leon Trotsky. He introduced the seven commandments and animalism ( communism). Snowball relies on his own mindset to to lead the farm, and he accepts the superiority of pigs over other animals. He also starts the plan for the farms big windmill project. After drawing the complicated plan for the windmill, snowball was chased off of the farm by napoleons dogs, and there after used as a scapegoat for the animals troubles. Snowball was young, smart, good speaker, and idealistic. He wanted to make life better for all.

Where did the name "Snowball" came from in Animal Farm? As opposed to how the name “Napoleon” came with Stalin, the name “Snowball” is used to reflect on Trotsky’s belief of the “Snowball effect” and how it should spread around the world to benefit the society.

"Fascism is nothing but capitalist reaction; from the point of view of the proletariat the difference between the types of reaction is meaningless."

What is the connection between such character in the novel when compared to real life? In Animal farm, Snowball was an influential character to other animals as most of them looked up to him in the beginning of the novel. Like Snowball, Trotsky was has always been looked up to and people loves his leadership as he only does things that would be beneficial to the society. They were both very skillful at wars that could be displayed in the victory at the beginning of the novel when Snowball led the animals to fight against the human while Trotsky was the leader of “Red Army” and won the Russian Civil War. After the war, both Snowball and Trotsky became an influential character and essential leader to the society. Trotsky then proposed a five year plan which were meant to benefit the country while Snowball proposed the idea of a windmill where they write all their rules in it. Both of them failed to keep in power and was defeated by their enemies, respectively Stalin (Trotsky) and Napoleon (Snowball).

Snowballs most known quote is, " those ribbons that you also devoted to are the badge of slavery. Can you not understand that liberty is worth more than ribbons?"
"The end may justify the means as long as there is something that justifies the end."

Leon Trotsky was born October 26, 1879. He was one of the biggest revolutionaries became one of Stalin's biggest political enemies. Trotsky was expelled from the country by Stalin's forces. A year later, Stalin took control of the USSR. After banishment, he was systematically removed from Russian history, Trotskys face was removed from photographs, historical role altered, etc. Leon Trotsky died August 21, 1940. He was assassinated by KGB in Mexico City.

Leon Trotsky was was a pure communist who was influenced by the teaching of Karl Marx. His goal was to improve lives in Russia but was driven away.

Early Life

Leon Trotsky was born Lev Davidovich Bronstein in Yanovka, Ukraine in the Russian Empire on November 7, 1879. His parents, David and Anna Bronstein, were prosperous Jewish farmers. When he was 8 years old, Trotksy went to school in Odessa, then moved in 1896 to Nikolayev, Ukraine, for his final year in school. While there, he became enthralled with Marxism.

In 1897, Trotsky helped found the South Russian Workers' Union. He was arrested within a year and spent two years in prison before being tried, convicted and sent to Siberia for a four-year sentence. While in prison, he met and married Alexandra Lvovna, a revolutionary who had also been sentenced to Siberia. they had two daughters.

In 1902, after serving only two years of his sentence, Leon Trotsky escaped, abandoning his wife and daughters. On forged papers, he changed his name to Leon Trotsky, a moniker he would use the rest of his life. He managed to make his way to London, England, where he joined the Socialist Democratic Party and met Vladimir Lenin. In 1903, Leon Trotsky married his second wife, Natalia Ivanovna. The couple had two sons.

In the early months of 1940, Leon Trotsky's health was failing and he knew he was a marked man. In February, he wrote a testament expressing his final thoughts for posterity and forcibly denied Stalin's accusations. On August 20, 1940, Trotsky was sitting at his desk in his study in Mexico City. Ramon Mercader, an undercover agent for the Soviet Union's secret police, attacked Trotsky with a mountaineering ice ax, puncturing his skull. He was taken to the hospital, but died a day later, at the age of 60.

For decades, Leon Trotsky was discredited in the Soviet Union, the result of Stalin's hatred and his totalitarian control. However, 10 years after the collapse of the Soviet government, in 2001, Trotsky's reputation was officially "rehabilitated" by the Russian government. His legacy of being the most brilliant intellect of the Communist Revolution and his reputation as a tireless worker, rousing public speaker and decisive administrator was restored. Some historians believe if he had not subordinated himself to Lenin during the Bolshevik Revolution, the history of the Soviet Union might have been very different. However, Trotsky had allowed his intelligence and arrogance to antagonize those less able than himself, and in the end, alienated many around him, allowing deceitful men like Stalin to take advantage.

Leon Trotsky was a brace man who wanted to make things better for others.

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