Self Exhibit Number Six

For this exhibit we were asked to recognize and be aware of fixed and growth mindset perspectives.

For this particular exhibit I recognized these mindsets most while working out

During workouts i realized that i have so many thoughts go through my head, some good but most of them were bad, doubtful thoughts. Thinking back to when i first started working out this is something that has been consistent and never corrected so for this exhibit I worked on recognizing and correcting my mindset to foster a growth mindset.

So for the week span that I utilized this experiment for this class I made an tally mark for every negative thought that popped into my brain during the course of the workout.

The first day i had 17 bad thoughts. I also noticed that they were all along the lines of "I'm sore , tired, and I cant do this" before proceeding to do it anyway because I have to.

This is something I tried to fix for the second day, in which I only had 9 bad thoughts. Those thoughts were kind of stirred up by the people around me saying things like " oh goodness I'm tired" which made me think about how tired I was.

This made me realize how the mindset of one person could affect the mindset of the group around them. So next I tried to take the growth mindset and good thoughts and use that to effect the group of people around me. saying simple encouraging things like " you got this" and " you can do it" noticeably us get through the workout quicker and with a better overall vibe during the strenuous hardship.

The next workout my tally number went all the way down to 2.

It was amazing to notice how differently I felt about working out overall and how different I felt during and after (minus how sore I felt). This exhibit opened my eyes and this is definitely something I will implement not only to workouts but to all things in my life.

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