Her Tree Megan


The little girl sat beneath

Never Ending

She stared in awe at the graceful arms

Amazed by their strength


Nothing compared to the vibrant colors

Nothing compared to the way the whimsy enlightened her imagination


It whispered spectacular things to her

Lighting her thoughts on fire


It’s body swaying, it’s fingers tracing patterns in the sky

She danced to its song

She came back to it every day, every hour, every minute

Wanting to feel nothing more than the comfort it brought

Aching for the curiosity it sparked, the impossibly wonderful Imagination it created inside her

The little girl blossomed with its loving touch

Thrived with the gentle nudge

The girl grew up, with strength, love and compassion

She grew up knowing that something so large could in fact be so beautiful,

in a world that made her feel to cumbersome to be ravishing

All thanks to the tree sitting in her backyard


Created with images by danfador - "tree dawn nature" • jarmoluk - "winter snow tree" • lena1 - "tree branches spring" • RyanFSpack - "leaves fall au" • stux - "fog outlines pine" • jpeter2 - "winter morning fog" • Mzlle - "forest landscape sun" • giani - "tree fall fall colors" • valiunic - "green park season"

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