The Harn Tessa Walters

All photos taken by Tessa Walters

Design of the Museum: The Mirror Mirror exhibit of Portraits of Frida Kahlo has been my favorite exhibit in the Harn since it arrived. I love how the exhibit is displayed in chronological order of her life, and seeing pictures of her rather than the paintings she created tells a whole other story about her. It gives such an interesting insight into her life.
Art and the Good Life: This piece, Excavation by Boardman Robinson, represents the industrious working class and the rise of American cities. To me, this represented the theme of seeking the Good life, as these workers are trying to attain the American Dream. It adds to my understanding that everyone and anyone is seeking a good life.
Technique of Artist: This piece of art by Bertram Hartman really struck me for its very different view of a cityscape. It makes you feel as if you are actually looking down at the buildings from a high point of view, which is a different approach to cityscapes. It makes me feel a little dizzy, but it's also instills awe.
Art and Core Values: This piece by Guy Pene du Bois struck me because of the way it depicts the girl's face as well as the caption explaining that Guy was very critical of New York society. First, the painting was just incredibly beautiful and masterful, but I also really related to the caption. I firmly believe in questioning society and government and what we new as normal, so I really enjoyed this.

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