Chapter 4 Aidan rhind


Cotton Candy Skies

This photo represents time, as it took me a while to get the shutter speed right, but when I did the product was worth it.

Ying Yang

I drove an hour up skyline to take this photo at the perfect time to take this picture which is why it represents time to me.

Tahoe by day

I trudged half an hour through the snow to get to the lake, which is why this photo represents something that took time to complete.

The Twilight Zone

I took this photo using a 10 second Shutter Speed, in which I used time to complete it.



I cropped the picture so the moon would be more centered and not have such a large background. In addition, the moon is closer to the viewer and not so far away.


Self Reflective:

I chose to retake my photos from the creek trail from semester 1 because I thought I could improve a lot upon them. The creek does look a lot different now, in part of the rainfall we have been having, but I chose to look at it with a new perspective.

Creek Trail Photo: Semester 1
Retake#1: Slower Shutter Speed
Retake #2: Fisheye Lens
Retake #3: Wide Angle Lens

Thematic: Fun!


My goal for 2017 is to have more fun, and to not get caught up in the stress and anxiety of school like I did last year. Snowboarding is one of my favorite things to do, which is why I think this photo resembles having fun to me. In 2017, I vow to have as much fun as possible every day!

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