
My anxiety controls my life. My personality shapes how I look and interpret and react to events. I walk into the day pretty much everday feeling nervous and overwhelmed with what will happen. Even the smallest change in my day can change my mood completely. I relate to this because I never walk into school without thinking about how anxious my tests are going to make me, or if I should decide to raise my hand, due to the fear of people laughing at me or judging me if i get it wrong. At times my anxiety causes physical traits such as hives and shortness of breath.
Self esteem is our feeling of high or low self-worth. Before taking a self esteem quiz, I knew that I was going to score low. For example, I got a 97 in math last quarter, and I beat myself up as to why I didn't get a 100. My results on the quiz indicated that I have relatively low self-esteem. The results say that a poor sense of self will make it difficult to find the courage to pursue the career I desire, to form healthy relationships, or to find my place in this world. However, the results do not mean that I cannot work on, and improve in this area.


Created with images by Wokandapix - "anxiety fear stress"

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