Message from the Media Center AN EMMA K DOUB LIBRARY NEWSLETTER

Message from the Library Media Specialist

Hello EKD Families,

I have greatly enjoyed getting to know your children so far this school year. We have been learning lots of cool things related to literature, technology, and creative problem solving!

For those of you that have not met me yet, I moved to Maryland from Texas this past summer to be closer to family. This is my eighth year as an educator. I have four years of classroom teaching experience, and this is my fourth year as a school library media specialist.

I'm so excited to be working at EKD, and we have had a pretty great year so far!


Elizabeth Nichols, Library Media Specialist

Spring Book Fair is Coming!

The Spring Book Fair will be open Monday, March 20 through Thursday, March 23!

Students will be allowed to shop the book fair before school, after school, or during their Media class.

Parents may come to shop with their children after school Monday - Wednesday from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM.

Thursday Night from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM there will be a Family Night Ice Cream Social to close out the book fair.

We will not be accepting checks. Sorry for the inconvenience. Students must pay in cash (do not forget to include enough money to cover sales tax), and parents may pay using either cash or credit/debit card.

Picture Gallery

take a look at some pictures of the exciting things happening in media this year!

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