lol...OMG Chapter 10. Your Digital citizenship

This chapter in the book talks about how you can effect your future online with what you post. The chapter starts off by talking about how you are in control of your future. The chapter gives examples of a student in Osseo Highschool flaming each other that leads to trouble. The other part of the chapter talks about you being the judge of what you post online. This states 9 rules you should follow. 1. Are you treating others the way you would want to be treated 2. Are you treating others the way that they want to be treated 3. Does what you are doing violate law 4. What if everybody is doing the same thing that you are 5. What is the real world equivalent of what you are doing 6. This test applies only to behavior that you engage in anonymously 7. Are you doing something to someone because you are angry, jealous, or otherwise emotionally charged 8. Would you be comfortable with the whole world knowing what you are doing 9. Is what you are trying to say hard to convey online. And the final question is does this reflect who you are online. This question is my favorite in this chapter because people can change who they are online because they're not face to face with you instead they are on a computer screen.

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