Easy on The Colitis Frosting This Frosting is Lactose Free

Healthy Ingredients can also satisfy the sweet tooth
Three easy ingredients

You will need Tofutti Cream Cheese, Kefir Lactose Free Shake any flavor, and a small amount of milk free canned frosting. All these in ingredients are Lactose Free.

Kefir Is A Probiotic

This Kefir smoothie contains milk, but is lactose free. Kefir is a healthy probiotic, that can actually help in controlling Colitis.

Tofutti Cream Cheese is Lactose Free

The elimination of lactose in the diet can help control Colitis outbreaks.

Pillsbury Fluffy Frosting is Milk Free!

The frosting does not add any health benefits, but it does satisfy the sweet tooth. I use the frosting very sparingly.

How Much or How Little of Each Ingredient Should You Use?

The answer is up to you. Mix these three ingredient to get a fluffy consistency. To have a healthy frosting use as little of the canned frosting as possible.


Sweet snack on the run - that shouldn't give you the runs!

Created By
Foodie Cheat Woman On The Run


Created with images by Lisa Padilla - "frosting"

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