Good Life Tour of the Harn By: Nicholas Baldwin

Medium of the Art

Woman's Wedding Ensemble (asherab nabuak) was created by Amazigh People. This piece was amazing to see in person and it certainly wouldn't have been the same if I saw a photograph of it. Looking closely, I could see the textures and different materials used. Seeing the artwork in person helped me understand the creator's culture and helped me appreciate it much more. The stitching between the different layers was beautiful and the textures of the material made me feel like I knew how the ensemble felt on my skin.

Design of the museum

This exhibit in the Asian wing of the museum included many different vases from the different dynasties of China. This artwork was particularly appealing to me because of the way it was represented by the museum. The lighting consisted of overhang lights that shined directly on to the beautiful hardwood cabinet and shelves that enclosed the vases. The use of this architecture in this exhibit aided immensely in my interpretation of the art, and made me feel apart of the different eras and times that the vases were from.

Art and Core values

Japan Series: Kyoto by Charles W. Bartlett is a colored woodcut of a Japanese family walking across a bridge. I imagine that this is the family's hometown and they are heading home. This personally resonates with me because honoring my family is one of my core values, and this piece represents this completely. Seeing this piece made me feel joyous strictly because the family is all together. This reminds me of when my brothers and I come home from college and my whole family is back together again. This artwork helps me better understand this value because it isn't about what we are doing, but it's about being together with your family.

Art and the good life

Tokyo Street with Pachinko Parlor II by Yvonne Jacquette captures a theme of the good life, the theme being "seeking." The artwork depicts the busy street of Tokyo, and it looks like everyone is returning home after a long day of work. To me, working a job represents seeking in every way because you are working towards becoming a better person and worker. The bright colors mixed with the amount of Taxi cabs on the street emulates the traffic of the streets. I imagine that most of the people don't know each other and are from different jobs. Obviously these people have been at work all day and they seem cheerful enough to still mingle with strangers on the street. This adds to my understanding of the theme "seeking" because it shows different transition from points in their life from their jobs to their families while still being open and friendly with strangers.

Created By
Nick Baldwin

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