The Iron Trail By: Holly black and Cassandra Clare

This story takes place in Virginia where people are doing the iron trial. This would make the reader visualize this place as a scary place because they are under ground and it can sometimes be dark. This could make the reader nervous because being underground and among strangers can normally make people shy and scared.
In the prologue, the story takes place about 10-20 years before the story begins. The setting is in a cave, inside a glacier in a shady town of La Rinconada. In this setting it's very cold an densely populated. The next setting is in a school in North Carolina. This is in a modern time period. It's in the afternoon and the students are in school. It's populated with many people.
It doesn't say the exact time period but it's a sunny day and a moderate temperature. I would image this Time as a moderate time period but with magicians and student with secret abilities.
Virginia is by the ocean so that means it's very humid there and would be colder because its further away from the equator. The weather says it's sunny and this kind of atmosphere normally makes people happy and relaxed.
Virginia is by the ocean so that means it's very humid there and would be colder because its further away from the equator. The weather says it's sunny and this kind of atmosphere normally makes people happy and relaxed.
In this book, there are cars and normal pet store like what we see today. And they have access to supplies for school. Also Callum's Dad has a 1937 Rolls Royce Phantom and its a rare car because nobody in their town has it and keeps it clean. This means there in a time way after 1937 because the car wouldn't have been rare back then.
It's very dark and gloomy. This makes the reader feel scared because the underground atmosphere is always very scary.
The setting affects this book because it helps image what's going on based on the setting. For example my book said they were in a gym once. So this shows that's they would be doing something athletic. The book also makes the reader visualize the setting and not just the people.


Created with images by dieformetall666 - "tunnel corridor light" • tpsdave - "virginia landscape mountains" • D-Stanley - "Melchoir Glaciers" • Donald Lee Pardue - "Downstream of Fontana Dam" • obpia30 - "clock time stand by" • jalbertbowdenii - "gloucester-county-tornado-damage-map-2011-04" • O'Neill's Pub - "Lots of people" • neyugnd - "corporate clothes" • Stefans02 - "Metro 2033 Redux / The Unknown" • Hermann - "books education school"

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